servant training

July 17, 2011
there isn't a whole lot to it really. it is my personal belief that the best training comes from actually doing the work. you can read all you want, but having all this great knowledge doesn't work so well without a creative outlet.

that doesn't mean that you don't have to read over the website. you certainly do. are there any out there that have ever worked in a restaurant/bar ?? it's almost the same *S* you get the job, but it still takes time to get to know your regulars and know where  everything is and learn the little extra things that aren't usually included in your initial training.

spi and i will come up with a general test when we feel you're ready, we will also talk with the other Mac M/members to see how T/they feel about your progress. the Council will award the CM tag when W/we feel you're ready. that may take weeks, or months. it all depends on you and how hard you're willing to practice and learn.

please ask questions if you are unsure about anything! you are welcome to PM a C/council M/member at any time, and you don't have to ask permission first. W/we are here to help and guide, and W/we want you to be happy at MacLaaran!

Work in Progress

June 21, 2011
Hello Eeveryone

Sitll working away on t' site, hope to soon have the servents tower done, and am adding a page for common gaelic phrases and still working on the Library. So bare with me!

lots of love


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you'll be my soft and sweet, i'll be your strong and steady - you'll be my glass of wine, i'll be your shot of whiskey - you'll be my sunny day, i'll be your shade tree - you'll be my honeysuckle, i'll be your honey bee


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